Lake Magog Masonic Lodge donates $10,000 to Alzheimer’s Society for new respite home

Lake Magog Masonic Lodge donates $10,000 to Alzheimer’s Society for new respite home
Representing the Freemasons from left to right: RWB Adrian Cretu, District Deputy Grand Master for the District of St. Francis; WB Eric Pelletier, District Representative for the District of St. Francis - Victoria Lodge #16; Brother Claude Carrier (Loge Cordialité #148); Very Worshipful Brother Jean Saint-Pierre (Victoria Lodge #16); Worshipful Brother Jim Thompson (Ascot Lodge #30); RWB David McCormack, Worshipful Master of Ascot Lodge #30; Brother Charlie Bouffard (Lake Magog Lodge #55); RWB François Larue (Lake Magog Lodge #55); WB David Bouffard, Worshipful Master of Lake Magog Lodge #55; and RWB Joel Bonn (Lake Magog Lodge #55) gather to present a $10,000 donation to the Société Alzheimer de l'Estrie. Caroline Giguère, Directrice générale of the Société Alzheimer de l'Estrie, stands in the center. (Photo : Courtesy)

By William Crooks

Local Journalism Initiative

On Jan. 10, the Société Alzheimer de l’Estrie received a generous donation of $10,000 from the Lake Magog Lodge, No. 55. This contribution, presented at the society’s Sherbrooke headquarters, highlighted a shared commitment to supporting individuals and families affected by Alzheimer’s disease.

David Bouffard, a Master Mason with the Lake Magog Lodge, explained on the scene that the donation was part of their district-wide fundraising initiative, coinciding with the lodge’s 150th anniversary. “Every year, Freemasons from our district choose a project to support. This year, we organized various activities, including bowling and other fundraising events, to collect $10,000,” Bouffard said. The funds were split between assisting a fellow member in Quebec City living with Alzheimer’s and supporting the Société Alzheimer de l’Estrie.

The choice to donate to the Société Alzheimer de l’Estrie was deeply personal for the lodge members. Bouffard noted that a connection to someone impacted by the disease inspired their decision, adding a meaningful touch to their contribution. “Our values are about friendship, growth, and helping others in society. We aim to turn rough stones into perfect ones—it’s a lifelong process,” he said, referencing the philosophical underpinnings of Freemasonry.

Caroline Giguère, Directrice générale of the Société Alzheimer de l’Estrie, expressed her gratitude for the substantial gift. “I’m very happy and find it incredibly generous that they thought of us,” she said after the presentation. Acknowledging the many organizations the lodge could have supported, Giguère emphasized how this donation will directly benefit the community.

The funds will be allocated to the development of a new respite care home, set to open in 2026. This facility will offer short-term stays, ranging from one to seven nights, designed to provide caregivers a much-needed break while ensuring quality care for their loved ones. “This donation will go directly toward the respite home,” Giguère explained, describing the project as essential for caregiver relief and well-being.

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