The year 2020 has officially begun! While new stories, headlines, and events will hit The Record pages this year, we thought this would be the perfect time to look back at some of the stories that have graced the pages of The Record in the last century. Flipping through the archives, we begin our review in 1919 just after the end of the First World War and then take a tour of a few of the stories that graced the pages of The Record 50 years later in 1969, and then 100 years later in 2019.
100 Years Ago
Germans sign peace treaty to end the First World War
On June 28, 1919, Dr. Herman Mueller, German Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Dr. Johannes Bell, German Minister of the Colonies, sign the Treaty of Versailles as official representatives for Germany. They were the first of all delegates present at Versailles to sign the treaty. After four years of what many have deemed as one of the most horrific wars to occur in human history, the war is officially brought to an end. In celebration of the signing of the treaty, one of the most important peace treaties of the end of the war, students in France paraded the streets of Paris.
Bishop’s College School
student arrested
Various valuable items were going missing from the rooms at Bishop’s College School, including a gold watch, which resulted in a mystery that needed to be solved. After a $250 ring was stolen from the wife of the college’s caretaker, a 14-year-old student named Alfred Humphries was suspected as the culprit. He was arrested on the charge of theft and eventually confessed to stealing the ring but clarified that he got rid of it somewhere after he became frightened. The police also stated at the time that they believed he was also responsible for the other thefts that took place.