The latest data on the evolution of COVID-19 in Québec on Wednesday revealed 66 new cases province wide over the previous 24 hours, bringing the total number of people infected to 55,524. During the same period, 7 new deaths were recorded, to which 17 deaths that occurred before June 23 can be added, for a total of 5,527. The number of hospitalizations decreased by 13, meanwhile, for an overall total of 422. Among these, 33 patients are in intensive care, a decrease of 5.
In the Estrie region the total number of confirmed cases since the beginning of the pandemic increased by four to 959. That number includes all those who have recovered from the disease as well as the 26 people who have died.
On Tuesday the provincial government made the wearing of masks mandatory on public transit throughout the province, effective July 13. The measure will apply to all travellers 12 years of age or older, and a two-week transition period will be applied to give people the opportunity to adjust to the new regulation.
COVID-19 Update: an increase in cases alongside a decrease in hopitalizations
Record Staff