New faces at Phelps Helps

New faces at Phelps Helps
(Photo : Courtesy Phelps Helps)

By Phelps Helps

In the Stanstead area, people know about Phelps Helps. It is the place you turn to when your child is struggling to keep up or when they need a positive place to hang out and do homework. What many people do not realize is that Phelps Helps is a very special place to work. Employees here feel engaged, challenged and valued everyday.
Once in a while, we come to the realization that we must expand our team. Programs grow out of their original capacity or a worker gets pulled into new directions. Last month, the team grew by two and we have been truly thriving ever since. A pair of young women joined on board to help us with tutoring students, running sessions and keeping up with office work. They will both be with us at least until the end of summer.

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