Magog Vert, an organization aiming to reduce the city’s ecological footprint, launched a bike shuttle service last summer and the response has been overwhelmingly positive.
According to Magog Vert President Brigitte Blais, the organization had one bike shuttle and two drivers splitting time. The pilot project lasted nine weeks, and throughout the summer, the drivers picked up an estimated 700 passengers to tour around short distances in Magog.
“We ride on the cycling paths, it’s not as fast, but we see the countryside, we feel the sun and wind, we listen to the birds, it’s really a different experience from taking a car. We also wanted to entertain elderly folks, so getting them out a bit after two years of the pandemic,” said Blais.
It hasn’t been easy for the folks living in seniors’ residences, she continued, as they spent a majority of their time inside or confined to their rooms out of fear of COVID-19 outbreaks. Blais noted elderly folks made up about one-third of the passengers using the new shuttle service.
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A successful bike shuttle service pilot project for Magog Vert
By Michael Boriero