The Colby-Curtis Museum in Stanstead will be holding its fifth annual Adopt an Artifact fundraiser in support of the historical building’s continued operation.
What happens is, between Aug. 15 and 31, donors can choose from a catalogue of some 50 or so items derived from the museum’s collection to symbolically adopt for a year.
Each item features a historical description of its past and importance, presented in a permanent display where it can be seen alongside the donor’s name.
Samuel Haudreau Lalande, the director-curator, said, “we have about 15,000 articles in our collection, so naturally not all of them have lengthy historical descriptions, so we’ve curated a selection of artifacts that address a variety of what we have. For example, we have a Métis parka jacket, and a photo album depicting Georgeville in the early 20th century.”
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Adopt an Artifact returns to Colby-Curtis Museum
By Aiden Wilson, Special to The Record