Grade 4 Project
ADS prides itself on supporting its families and community near and far. In this spirit, a very kind-hearted child in Ms. Cote’s Grade 4 class, Nathan Samson-Plomer, approached the school’s SET (Ms. Chantal). He has a deep interest in the wellbeing of endangered animals and wanted to raise funds to help protect them. He pitched his idea to his classmates and Ms. Chantal. Ms. Cote, as well as Ms. Cote’s Grade 4 class were all on board to do something to help. These caring and inspiring children want to raise money for endangered animals by doing a can/bottle drive. This drive will run through the month of April and all cans/plastic bottles may be dropped off at the school during office hours. The students have also decided to create a club that will be responsible for sorting the cans and bottles, as well as taking the tabs off to go towards the fabrication of wheelchairs. The funds raised will go to The Endangered Species Fund of Canada.
Cross country skiing
On March 10 and 11 the Grade 3, 4, 5, and 6 students and teachers went cross-country skiing at Mont Orford. We were blessed with beautiful weather on both days and many students were able to try cross-country skiing for the first time. Besides their classroom teacher, students were lucky to have many student teachers, as well as support staff there to help them. Coach Guillaume also invited his parents to help teach students how to ski. Having so many helpers made it easy for students to divide up into groups depending on their skill levels. It was really fun and there were some hills that students could go up and down. Overall it was a great cycle activity for all groups and the ride back to school was nice and quiet, as many students needed a nap on the way home. Thank you to all the teachers, student teachers and a big thank you to Coach Guillaume’s parents for helping the students.
Written by Jacob M and Naomie B (Grade 6 Students)
Daycare has been busy doing “Maple Syrup” month. We have done many crafts, made maple spread, had sap tastings, sugar on snow, maple cookies, we are preparing a maple cookbook and on April 22 we will end our month with a field trip to Lussier Belgians sugar camp in Richmond, to see a presentation on maple syrup, visit farm animals, have a picnic and end the day with a wagon ride led by a team of horses. Thank you very much Ms. Karen for organizing such great activities for our daycare students.
On March 25, students from Grade 5 and 6 took part in a basketball tournament at École Secondaire l’Escale. The tournament consisted of eight elementary school teams from Danville, Saint-Claude, Saint-Georges-de-Windsor and Val-des-Sources. ADS boys and girls performed very well, winning their first game 40-19 against École La Tourelle, and winning their second game 48-12 against Notre-Dame-De-L’Assomption. ADS played in the semi-finals against La Passerelle where they won 28-10. This brought ADS to the finals, where they played against Notre Dame Du Sourire from Saint-Claude. Many parents and spectators came to watch the game. Both teams played very well in a very close first three quarters of the game. ADS showed great communication skills as well as team spirit in the fourth quarter, which gave them the boost to win the game 24-10. We would like to thank L’Escale for hosting such an amazing tournament, as well as all parents and spectators who came to watch and encourage our team. A special thank-you to Coach Guillaume and Ms. Chantal for all their hard work in coaching the ADS team to a gold medal.
On March 30, ADS was lucky to be able to participate in a tournament at Richmond Regional. ADS played against both of the other ETSB elementary schools in the area: St Francis and Drummondville Elementary. The girls’ and the boys’ first games were against St. Francis. Both our boys and girls played very well and won those games. The second games were against Drummondville. The girls won and the boys had a very close game, winning by only one basket. The semi-finals were played between Saint-Francis and Drummondville, where the DES boys advanced to the finals to play ADS and the Saint Francis girls advanced to the finals to play ADS. In the finals, the boys played against Drummondville and the final score was 18 to 8 in favor of ADS. The girls also won after playing a solid game. ADS showed good sportsmanship and represented the school very well. Once again, a big thank you to Ms. Chantal and Coach Guillaume for their awesome coaching and all the work they put into preparing everyone for the tournament.
Written by Loralie P and Sidney F (Grade 6 Students)
Every other week the Grade 5 and 6 students at ADS have been taking to the ice to try a new winter sport. Coach, Ms. Viens, Mr. Smith and Ms. Cote have been bringing the students to the local curling club to teach them how to play. The students have had a few lessons and have learned different strategies. They then put their skills to the test and had the opportunity to play. The students truly enjoyed their time on the ice and some even were excited to return.
The goal is to give the students an opportunity to try something new. Some students may not have had the opportunity to try this sport before. It was a great way to introduce the sport and encourage new people to try it out.