Ahoy! from the Townships: Locals head to Quebec City port bearing gifts

Ahoy! from the Townships: Locals head to Quebec City port bearing gifts
Donna Garfat and Kathleen Hartwell, two of the organizers of St. George’s Anglican Church’s annual trip to Quebec City to deliver ‘sailor boxes.’ Wrapped like Christmas gifts, the boxes, containing warm clothing, toiletries and small gifts are distributed to sailors passing through the port around Christmas. (Photo : Matthew McCully)

By Matthew McCully – Members of St. George’s Anglican Church and other locals were up at the crack of dawn Wednesday morning to board a bus headed for Quebec City and deliver ‘sailor boxes’. For close to 30 years, the congregation and other participating local churches have been donating shoe boxes filled with toiletries, mitts, hats, and other cold weather essentials to the organization La Maison du Marin. The boxes are distributed to sailors from all over the world who pass through Quebec City around Christmas. See full story in the Thursday, Nov. 8 edition of The Record.

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