All is well at ETSB, Student Ombudsman says

All is well at ETSB, Student Ombudsman says

By Matthew McCully

During this month’s council of commissioners meeting for the Eastern Townships School Board, Student Ombudsman Christian Beaudry tabled his annual report, which included a positive review of the way complaints are handled by the board.
Beaudry said he received 16 complaints during the last school year, but he immediately referred 11 back to the board because the complainants had not followed the proper process.
Of the five complaints he did address, three were from the elementary school level, and two were from high schools.
According to Beaudry, three complaints were settled with the assistance of board and school administrators. One was related to COVID-19 sanitary measures, which falls outside Beaudry’s jurisdiction, so it was not admissible. The final complaint, Beaudry said, dealt with services provided to a special needs student. According to the Student Ombudsman, his investigation revealed that an Individualized Education Plan was in place, including support services and strategies in line with the
strengths and needs of the student, so the complaint was dismissed accordingly.
“Finally, to my knowledge, no student was expelled due to acts of bullying or violence,” Beaudry said, “and I have no recommendations to make with respect to measures required to prevent and to stop bullying and violence, as complaints of this nature, to the best of my knowledge, were properly managed internally.”
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