The City of Magog is receiving an additional $1.8 million from the Provincial Government to help cover unexpected additional costs associated with the work to decontaminate the site of the former municipal garage on St-Luc Street. Magog had already been granted a sum of close to $1 million for the work in the summer of 2018, but was offered additional funding after the needs of the site proved to be more extensive that originally expected. The total of the new government grant is $2,813,924, which accounts for approximately 60 per cent of the project’s $4.8 million price tag. “Costs are an important factor in the decision about whether to decontaminate a property or not,” Belanger said, explaining that part of the idea behind subsidizing the process is to help municipalities make environmentally responsible choices and give a second life to contaminated spaces. The funding is offered through the government’s ClimatSol-Plus program and will be used to treat more than 5,000 cubic metres of soil and subterranean water. See full story in the Thursday, Jan. 16 edition of The Record.