Arrimage Estrie is a Sherbrooke-based organization focused on encouraging the development of a healthy and positive body image for people all across the Estrie administrative region. Now in its sixth year of operation, the regional community organization runs programming three seasons of the year, closing down in the summer time due to a lack of necessary funding. “People associate Arrimage Estrie with eating disorders, but it is so much bigger than just that,” said Julie Witty Chagnon, Executive Director of Arrimage Estrie. “Healthy body image is an issue for everyone and it is important to support it.” According to Witty Chagnon, Arrimage Estrie puts a focus on promoting the idea of there being all kinds of bodies and advocates an anti-diet approach to eating based on listening to the signs of hunger and enjoying the experience. See full story in the Wednesday, May 22 edition of The Record.