Echoing the decision made last year, Bishop’s University announced that its 2021 convocation ceremonies will take place in an entirely virtual form this coming August, with hope for an in-person celebration in June of 2022.
Originally set to take place in person in June of 2021, this year’s convocation was meant to be an opportunity to celebrate both the classes of 2020 and 2021 in light of the fact that no in-person activities were possible last year at all.
In a message to the class of 2021 shared on social media Monday, the university’s Chancellor, Daniel Fournier, and the Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Michael Goldbloom, note that, “Although the public health guidelines have been relaxed somewhat in recent weeks, the current rules in the Eastern Townships would severely limit the number of people who could be welcomed in the Denver Gym.”
Bishop’s postpones in-person convocation, again
By Gordon Lambie