In Canada, statistics show that Indigenous women are more likely to experience violence than non-Indigenous women. A group of academics from the Bishop’s University Sociology Department has received funds for a project that seeks to address Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two Spirit+ People (MMIW2S+) in partnership with Indigenous- based and Indigenous-led collectives and resources.
On Tuesday, Dr. Vicki Chartrand, Dr. Genner Llanes-Ortiz, and Dr. Alex Miltsov discovered they received a grant for $297,242 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) for their Unearthing Justices Partnership (UJP) research project, which will be done in collaboration with Indigenous Knowledge Keepers Gladys Radek (Tears4Justice) and Viola Thomas (Protect Our Indigenous Sisters Society).
“The whole idea of the partnership is to connect with people doing the important work and having it (in) a database so anyone can have access,” Chartrand explained. The project strives to partner with Indigenous- based collectives to provide an accessible space for Indigenous-led and Indigenous-based resources that address MMIW2S+. The project will digitally map, showcase, and share these supports through the development of a national website and other digital media platforms.