Bishop’s SRC volunteers delivering food to quarantining students

By Matthew Sylvester Special to The Record


The federal government mandated back in March that anyone who travels into the country has to quarantine in their residence for two weeks before being allowed to go out. For foreign students coming back to the country to continue their education, this makes getting your food a logistical nightmare.
To help ease the transition for foreign students, the Bishop’s Student Representative Council is offering a grocery delivery service to those who feel they need it. It’s completely free, and lets you get your groceries totally contact free while obeying quarantine rules.
Here’s how it works: students fill out a form saying that they need a delivery, and the SRC organizers work out who would be the best to make the run. Then they let the student know the date and time the delivery will be made, and the student places an order of everything they’ll need with the Lennoxville Provigo’s website.


See the full story in the August 20 edition of The Record

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