Bishop’s student awarded 3M National Student Fellowship

Bishop’s student awarded 3M National Student Fellowship
Sonoma Brawley (Photo : Courtesy)

By William Crooks

Local Journalism Initiative

Sonoma Brawley, a student at Bishop’s University (BU), has been honoured with the prestigious 3M National Student Fellowship for 2024. This fellowship represents the highest national recognition of student educational leadership in Canada, according to a May 13 press release.

The 3M National Student Fellowship annually acknowledges up to ten full-time students from Canadian post-secondary institutions who have shown exceptional leadership both in their academic pursuits and their communities. These students are recognized for their commitment to enhancing the educational experience through leadership and community engagement.

Brawley, a second-year student at Bishop’s University, is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Music Performance with a Musical Theatre Concentration and an English Minor. Originally from Squamish, B.C., Brawley is also a Chancellor’s Excellence Scholar and a recipient of the Bishop’s Exceptional Student Talent (B.E.S.T.) Fund, which supports innovative experiential learning opportunities.

Additionally, she is a Stephen A. Jarislowsky Student Fellow, a three-term Humanities Senator for the Student Representative Council, Junior Co-Captain of the competitive dance team, and Co-Lead of the BU Music Society.

Brawley is recognized for her transformative leadership as a research fellow for the Hope Circuits project, which aims to rewire universities for human flourishing, and for her contributions to the Online Learning Technology Consultant program, which focuses on involving students in the design of 21st-century classrooms.

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