By Emilie Hackett, Special to the Record – Bishop’s University will be introducing a new co-operative model for its bookstore over the coming year. Under its new name, Doolittle’s, the co-op bookstore will be run by the university community when it reopens in the fall of 2020 after a major renovation to the Student Union Building (SUB). While that renovation takes place, the bookstore will make its temporary home in the Bishop’s University Sports Center, although it will eventually be returning to its previous, but improved, location. In a recent interview with three founding members of the new entity, exiting Students’ Representative Council (SRC) president Alexandra Medalsy, SRC General Manager Erin Mallory, and Bishop’s Financial Planning Analyst Kylie Cote, The Record learned that the plan is for the co-op to be run by a board of directors as well as an onsite manager, Miguel Levesque. See full story in the Monday, May 13 edition of The Record.