Blaze destroys five-star establishment

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Blaze destroys five-star establishment
Domaine Tomali Maniatyn B&B was a five-star establishment in Sutton. The cause of the fire is under investigation. (Photo : Photo used with permission of Domaine Tomali Maniatyn B&B)

By Steve Blake – Everyone was safe following a fire that destroyed Domaine Tomali Maniatyn B&B in Sutton Tuesday night, January 15, but the dog who alerted the occupants is still missing. The dog, named Bella, ran off during the blaze and has not been seen since, Tom Bedkowska, the owner of the B&B, said in a phone interview Sunday. He hopes someone found her and she’s not stranded in the severe winter weather. She has a medallion on her collar with the phone number, and she has a chip, he said. If someone has found her, he would like to get a phone call. Bella and another dog heard a smoke alarm in the garage, Sutton Fire Chief Don Mireault said. Bedkowska’s granddaughter called the fire department at 10:30 p.m., he said. Bedkowska credits the dogs for saving lives. See full story in the Tuesday, Jan. 22 edition of the Brome County News.


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