By Mable Hastings, The Scoop – On Wednesday, October 10 Brome Missisquoi MP Denis Paradis, while on a visit in Potton, stopped by the Missisquoi North Volunteer Centre (CABMN) to greet the staff and meet with CAB Executive Director, Mable Hastings. On a mission to get Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau to visit Potton, Hastings presented Mr. Paradis with a history of the CABMN’s youth programs in Potton from their commencement in 1986 to present day. Focusing on the fact that the CABMN aims to build leaders in Potton’s dynamic youth and presenting facts on the accomplishments that the youth programs have attained since they began some thirty two years ago, convincing Mr. Paradis that Potton is a model was not difficult. See full story in the Friday, October 12 edition of The Record.
Brome Missisquoi MP Denis Paradis visits the Missisquoi North Volunteer Centre (CABMN) in Potton
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