The music department at Bishop’s University might not have all the bells and whistles of larger programs at other institutions, but according to department chair Jack Eby, there is a lot more to music than bells and whistles. “It’s a quirky department,” Eby explained. “Surprising people go through the program who do surprising things.” This year the department celebrated its 50th anniversary. “More like the 50th anniversary of Howard’s achievements,” Eby said, referring to Howard Brown, the program’s first official music faculty member, hired in the fall of 1967. Today the department has three full-time faculty members instead of one-not a huge change, but what it has achieved in the past 50 years has far outreached what one might expect from a small program. Brown started a choir when he first arrived, comprised mainly of community members, called the Elizabethan Singers. See full story in the Friday, Feb. 23rd edition of The Record.