Bury to host exhibition on military history of the area

Bury to host exhibition on military history of the area

By Bird Bouchard


The Bury Historical and Heritage Society is welcoming members of the community to learn the meaning of “Lest We Forget” with an exhibition on the military history of Bury and surrounding areas.

The exhibition will take place March 11-12 as well as March 25-26 from 1p.m. to 4 pm. at the Bury Armoury Community Centre. Open to the public free of charge, the exhibition will feature images, texts and artifacts linked to Bury’s vast military traditions, dating back to 1866.

According to Ed Pederson, one of the coordinators for the event, the overall goal is to help the more recent generation understand the role of the military in society.

“There is an exposition of banners regarding the role of women during the Second World War, a number of artifacts that will be on display concerned with the Hong Kong campaign and battle, as well as a depiction of many of the local soldiers and women that were involved in the military or in associated roles,” Pederson explained.


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