The Federal cabinet retreat that was being held in Sherbrooke last week came to a close on Friday afternoon with a press conference hosted by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Although members of the cabinet could be seen interacting with reporters throughout the week both inside and outside the Delta Hotel where the meeting was taking place, the conference on Friday was the only time Trudeau set aside to answer questions from the small army of local and national media who came to cover the event. “Over the last several days we discussed many subjects that are important to Canadians,” Trudeau said in his closing remarks. “We chose to hold our cabinet retreat here in Sherbrooke because the challenges facing this town are similar to those facing many communities across the country.” During the question period following the Prime Minister’s remarks, Trudeau was asked about the fate of Sherbrooke resident Edith Blais, who has been missing since mid-December, having been last seen while travelling in Burkina Faso. See full story in the Monday, Jan. 21 edition of The Record.