This photograph was recently passed along to The Record and we are looking for our readers’ help to identify some of the players on this hockey team. The photograph was given to Record reader Joel Barter by Cleveland Delaroche Jr., who shared that is is The Record’s hockey team from March of 1938. The picture was taken at the original Eugene Lalonde Arena that used to be beside the Sports centre in Sherbrooke before it burned down in 1978. A note, shared along with the photo, highlights two names written in the bottom left corner of the photo: Honorary President Joe Blais and Secretary Frank. It is also indicated that those individuals with a ‘#’ beside their faces were Record staff. On the right-hand side of that same photo is the name Joe Delaroche with the short phrase: ‘My own team.’
If you recognize some of the faces in these photographs, feel free to reach out to
See full story in the Monday, March 23 edition of The Record.