Listening to young people about issues that matter to them is an important commitment of the government. Young Canadians’ participation in civic life, including government decision-making, is crucial to Canada’s continued success and to helping secure Canada’s position as an agricultural powerhouse. Compton-Stanstead MP and Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Marie-Claude Bibeau has launched the application process for a first Canadian Agricultural Youth Council. A group of young Canadians will be given the opportunity to provide valuable advice on the agriculture and agri-food issues that matter most to them – everything from sustainable agriculture, market diversification and innovation, to the digital shift, intergenerational transfers and mental health. The council will identify new and emerging issues, enable on-going dialogue on challenges and opportunities, share information and best practices, and provide advice on the strengths and weaknesses of policies and programs affecting the agriculture and agri-food sector. See full story in the Monday, Jan. 27 edition of The Record.
Calling all young farmers: Bibeau launches Canada’s first agricultural youth council
Record Staff