In the small village of Frelighsburg lies a very special place known as Camp Garagona. Camp Garagona was founded in 1969 by a group of Anglophones from Bedford. The group of individuals were part of a leisure organization that planned activities for people with intellectual disabilities and they decided they wanted a more permanent project in the form of a camp. Since its foundation, Camp Garagona has continued to serve as a community organization for those living with an intellectual disability or autism spectrum disorder and is making a difference one step at a time. At Camp Garagona, it’s all about leisure and recreation. “Today, we work as a vacation centre and community organization for people with intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorders,” said Nicholas Brien, Director of the Garagona. “We focus on leisure and recreation and we organize all types of activities, evening activities, talent shows.” Camp Garagona offers a variety of services in support of the individuals in the local community and those coming from different areas in Quebec. In partnership with Health and Social Services in the Estrie, Garagona offers a day program year round from Monday to Thursday and a summer camp from June to August. “The energy in the summer time is out of this world.” See full story in the Feb. 4 edition of the Brome County News.
Camp Garagona: 50 years of making a difference
By Taylor McClure, Special to Brome County News