The Coalition sherbrookoise pour le travail de rue celebrated its 30th anniversary on Saturday, September 7, at the pop-up park on Wellington Street South with some live music, food, and activities. Street social workers have been on the job in the Sherbrooke area since the organization’s formation on October 25, 1988. Working outside of traditional structures, thousands of people have received the support of the Coalition’s workers over the years. “The well-being of our communities has been ensured by our workers’ exceptional qualities and the loyal support of our community and partners for now 30 years,” said the Coalition’s director general, Étienne Bélanger-Caron. The Coalition’s team works in crucial steps to approach individuals, mostly aged 10 to 30 years old, who live with or are at risk of being affected by these different issues: dropping out of school, social disruption, addiction to drugs, alcohol, or gambling, psychological distress, mental health issues, suicidal tendencies, crime, prostitution, delinquency, homelessness, poverty, racism, violence, HIV/AIDS, STIs, and more. See full story in the Monday, Sept. 9 edition of The Record.
Celebrating 30 years of social work on the streets of Sherbrooke
By Emilie Hackett, Special to The Record