CentreAction Femmes Estrie celebrates successful partnerships among women’s rights organizations in the region

CentreAction Femmes Estrie celebrates successful partnerships among women’s rights organizations in the region

By Sarah Pledge Dickson

Special to The Record


The CentreAction Femmes Estrie (CAFE) showcased the success of its partnerships within the community during a press conference Thursday. CAFE has established connections with both the Univeristy of Sherbrooke and Bishop’s University, as well as organizations advocating for women’s rights in the Townships. The partnerships have allowed all the institutions to share resources and present research collectively.

“For the professors at the University of Sherbrooke and Bishop’s who were interested in the questions of feminism, there was no link,” Julie Raby, coordinator of projects at Relais Femmes, an organization dedicated to research in intersectional feminism, said in the press conference. These relationships have made it possible for research to connect outside of a single institution.

“It’s very important to have these partnerships and relationships between researchers and community organizations,” said Mariame Cissé, the assistant director and lead of the women’s committee at the Fédération des Communautés Culturelles de l’Estrie.

The most recent research was conducted in conjunction with Paul Morin from the school of social work at the University of Sherbrooke. It looks at the housing issues and needs for women in the Eastern Townships with disabilities.

Viviane Doré-Nadeau is the director of CAFE. She said in the press conference that this project gave people an opportunity to work with people from diverse academic backgrounds.

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