With students returning to campus late last week and classes kicking off on Monday, Champlain College Lennoxville has set up groups and platforms for students, faculty and administrative staff to help grapple with increased levels of stress and anxiety.
Champlain College Campus Director Nancy Beattie told The Record that the cegep is aware that the incoming cohort of new students spent most of their high school days in pandemic uncertainty; classes shutting down sporadically, student bubble groups, and limited activities.
“Our faculty are sensitive to that, in fact, there was part of a training day last week and one of the topics at hand was kind of the mental well-being or psychological well-being of our students, so I think we’re going to be very sensitive to it,” she said in a phone interview.
According to Beattie, the cegep will once again roll out its sentinel program, a select group of peer-educators who will be available to help students’ emotional well-being, managing anxiety, as well as integrating first year students into a new, sometimes stressful, environment.
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Champlain emphasizes stress and anxiety management as students return to campus
By Michael Boriero, Local Journalism Initiative