By Michael Boriero
Sherbrooke residents living nearby the Centre canin de l’Estrie, a dog training and dock jumping facility, have filed a petition claiming the small business is too noisy for the reclusive neighbourhood.
Sébastien Lemay, the owner of Centre canin, told The Record that it is only one neighbour in particular who has a problem with his facility. Michelle Leblanc was revealed to be the architect behind the petition. She has reached out to the city of Sherbrooke for support.
“It has been since last July, she sent us an anonymous letter, written by hand, threatening us with fines, and that she would call the police, the SPCA, but we couldn’t respond because it was anonymous,” said Lemay.
He has received eight formal complaints in the past 12 months, three of them were for excessive noise levels, while the other five were related to breaking COVID-19 health and safety measures. However, Lemay was never fined by the police.