Lise Montagne, Director of Nursing for the CIUSSS de L’Estrie-CHUS, the Eastern Township’s regional healthcare institution, told local media on Friday that the overcapacity crisis in the region was improving, but still serious.
“The situation remains precarious and must be monitored daily,” the nursing director said, “but we want to reassure population that quality and security of service is at the forefront of our approach.”
Flanked by Sylvie Moreau, Director of services to the elderly and those with loss of autonomy, and Gilles Michaud, director of human resources, communications, and legal affairs, Montagne underlined the fact that the circumstances which have pushed the healthcare institution to convert living room spaces in the East Angus long term care facility (CHSLD) into double-occupancy rooms is exceptional. She added that the CIUSSS is working hard to resolve the issue as quickly as possible and pointed out that half of the short-term hospital beds that were open at the start of last week have been closed again.
See full story in Monday January 30 Record
CIUSSS overcapacity situation improving but still serious
By Gordon Lambie