CIUSSS Workplaces help integrate those with intellectual or autism spectrum disorders

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CIUSSS Workplaces help integrate those with intellectual or autism spectrum disorders

CIUSSS de l’Estrie Workplace Integration helps some 160 people with intellectual disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorder to acquire different skills as they gradually adapt to the workplace. Integration Workplaces are environments set up in businesses, institutions, or community organizations where the clientele perform valuable tasks that are useful to society, while working alongside regular workers. Workplace integration can help teach concentration, dexterity, punctuality, compliance with guidelines, decision making, and any number of social skills. "They prepare users for possible internships in the workplace and for some they have even been a stepping stone to paid employment,” says Work Integration Services Chief, Paul Marier. The responsibilities entrusted to them have a very positive impact on their self-confidence and socialization." See full story in the Tuesday, March 27th edition of The Record.

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