The busiest night of the Operation Nez Rouge 2019 campaign had the phones ringing off the hook on Friday, Dec. 13. No less than 83 Nez Rouge teams roamed the streets of the greater Sherbrooke area, 62 of which were formed at the Sherbrooke headquarters. A total of 101 teams worked on Friday and Saturday night. Despite the large number of volunteers, the teams remained very busy and the region carried out nearly 1,000 safe rides (982 to be exact), on the two nights. This weekend nearly half of the region’s total number of safe rides took place between Thursday night and Saturday (1,104 transports), compared to 2,307, the total number of transports since Nov.29. See full story in the Monday, Dec. 16 edition of The Record.
Close to 1,000 rides for busiest Nez Rouge weekend of the campaign
Record Staff