On January 8 and 9, 2016 at 7:30pm, “l’École Secondaire Massey-Vanier” will be presenting a theatre production written by Denis Thériault and presented in the Massey Vanier auditorium. This is a French language production and the price of tickets is $5.00 for students and $10.00 for adults. After the costs involved in the production are removed, a portion of the ticket sales will benefit Rett Syndrome and also Opération Enfant Soleil.
The Enfant Soleil website states, “Opération Enfant Soleil is a non-profit organization that raises funds to develop high-quality paediatrics and to contribute to social health projects for all the children in Quebec.”
According to the National Institute of Neurological disorders and stroke, Rett syndrome is “a neuro developmental disorder that affects girls almost exclusively. It is characterized by normal early growth and development followed by a slowing of development, loss of purposeful use of the hands, distinctive hand movements, slowed brain and head growth, problems with walking, seizures, and intellectual disability.”
The production will feature the musical talents of: Mathieu Viens, Sébastien Breton and Sébastien Trudelle. Actors and Actresses include: Charles Proteau, Alexandra Plouffe, Éric Jacques, Jacob Lusignan, Eléna Gibson, Carol-Ann Boulet and Denis Thériault.
Seventeen year old Jacob Lusignan has appeared in four other theatre productions in his young amateur career through this after school initiative at Massey Vanier. Last year he wrote and performed in “Apocalypse” and this year, he plays the lead role as Coco in this production.
“This is a beautiful story,” explains Lusignan. “Coco is a dreamer surrounded by a variety of pessimists but he lives in a magical world that the audience will find heart warming and wonderful,” he said.
Tickets are on sale at Attractions Music (in the Cowansville shopping centre) or at the “Sac à mots de Cowansville.” Tickets will also be on sale at the door both evenings. To view the youtube announcement for the show, visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w81E_jIwvS4
This play is being presented in the French language but for those who are bilingual, the evening offers fun and entertainment as well as an opportunity to help a good cause. The efforts of the students, teachers and talented cast are to be applauded. There is a lot of hard work that goes into these types of shows and the reason the effort is made is in the opportunity to share it with an audience.
“I am so excited about every aspect of this production,” said Lusignan. “I can’t wait for the weekend and the chance to perform this for everyone who attends,” he added enthusiastically.