Colourful new science and nature museum exhibit

Colourful new science and nature museum exhibit
(Photo : Musée de la nature et des sciences de Sherbrooke website)

Record Staff

What if colours disappeared? What if the world were suddenly a huge blank sheet of paper? That’s the theme being explored with the new exhibition at the science and nature museum in Sherbrooke.

Colorier, colorer, couleurer is the story of Tirer ses ficelles, by author Diane Longpré. Tackling subjects such as identity, difference and self-affirmation, the visitor is called upon to follow the main character through his journey, which takes place in a small village, located at the end of the world. Throughout the story, the character takes action to bring colour back to the landscape, which after several days of rain has disappeared.
Throughout the exhibition, the visitor is called upon to restore colour to the landscape in various ways, through the interactive artwork of Geneviève Baril, Martin Brousseau, Cinétic, Valérie Morrissette and Ève Tellier-Bédard. An animated video by artist Suzie Bergeron is also presented as an introduction to the exhibition.
The visitor brings colour through their movement and involvement, making it possible to become aware of reality and to reproduce or change it, depending on one’s imagination and actions. The works, some of which have a digital aspect, coexist with each other and evoke images from nature easily recognizable to children like flowers, leaves, a house, a garden, sunset and night. The elements set up from the start make the exhibition accessible, intriguing and suggest an exploratory space. An activity book, illustrated by Trois-Rivières artist Frédérique Guichard, is also available to visitors.
The exhibition Colorier, colorer, couleurer is produced and circulated by the Centre d’exposition Raymond-Lasnier, a venue managed by Culture Trois-Rivières, and is supported by the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec as part of the Support to Travelling Exhibitions program.
For opening hours and more information visit the website

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