Dyanne Saanum, President of the Ayer’s Cliff Legion, told The Record that there is a lot of concern among the group’s membership about a proposal from the town to move Ayer’s Cliff’s two war memorials. “We just don’t know the reason why,” Saanum said, sharing that the general feeling is that the memorials, located at the old legion building on Rosedale and next to the entrance to the fairgrounds on Main, have been in their current places for many years and should be able to remain undisturbed. “We’re okay with them moving the one that’s in front of the legion hall, but it was supposed to go next to the one that’s on Main Street,” she said, explaining that the Legion members pretty well accepted that the location of that memorial was out of their hands as soon as they sold the building to the town. “Now they’ve decided that they want to move the two of them up into the pioneer cemetery which is on Tyler Street.” See full story in the Wednesday, Oct. 30 edition of The Record.