In the lead up to the 30th annual suicide prevention week next week, a number of community, provincial, and national partners gathered around the Sherbrooke Phoenix hockey team on Tuesday morning to underline the fact that suicide is something everyone could afford to be talking about more. “This week provides the perfect opportunity to talk about the significant problem that suicide represents,” said Jérôme Gaudreault, Executive Director of the Association Quebecoise de prevention du suicide, noting that an average of three people commit suicide daily in Quebec, while another 80 attempt to. The theme of this year’s week of awareness activities is “talking about suicide saves lives,” a message that retired NHL player Dave Morissette, said he has taken to heart in his role as an ambassador for the cause. “To me courage, particularly at 16, 17, 20 years old, is not necessarily just getting out on the ice and skating back and forth to score a goal,” Morissette said. “Courage is also asking for help and finding the energy to talk about your distress.” See full story in the Wednesday, Jan. 29 edition of The Record.