By Gordon Lambie
Carie and Vicki Nixon were at the Maison Aube Lumière palliative care home on Wednesday morning to present a cheque for over $12,000 raised through their recent “Create for Comfort” event in Richmond.
“Our mom was here for four and a half months, and we wanted to give something back,” Carie said, sharing that the support that the family received from the palliative care home is not something she feels can be repaid in money alone. “Honestly, until you have someone who has been here, you don’t understand how incredibly special this place is.”
The organizer explained that although the desire to support the Maison Aube Lumière came from the experiences her family had last fall, this was not her first fundraiser in general. For 14 years prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, she hosted a scrapbooking event called ‘crop for a cure’ that benefited the local branch of the Canadian Cancer Society. With that organization having closed its doors in the Townships in 2020, the old formula was pivoted to become “Create for Comfort” and suddenly did better than ever before.
The event itself followed a simple formula: crafters looking to participate were asked to bring a minimum donation of $30 for the cause in exchange for a spot to work on whatever they brought for the day.
“It was amazing how many people donated, more than in other years,” Carie said, with her sister adding that, “out of 28 people who were there, seven also collected donations, which accounts for a large part of the total.”
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