In the wake of the death of a seven year old girl in Granby earlier this week, Alain Trudel, the Director of youth protective services (DPJ) in the Estrie region, voluntarily took leave from his position on Thursday morning. The fact that Trudel was no longer serving in his position was initially shared by Lionel Carmant, Junior Minister for Health and Social Services, at a press conference at the National Assembly on Thursday morning. At that time the minister said that “we’re concerned about his capacity to occupy the position he is in,” adding, “We’re not sure he’s the right person to be in this position right now.” Just before midday, however, when the CIUSSS de l’Estrie – CHUS held its own conference on the matter, Carment’s office had issued a clarification that Trudel made the request himself. See full story in the Friday, May 3 edition of The Record.