The recent call put out by the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network (QAHN) for the protection of the 160-year old Anglican pioneer church Holy Trinity, was answered by the municipality. “We stepped up to the plate,” said Bolton East Mayor Joan Westland Eby. In June, QAHN adopted a resolution urging the Municipality of East Bolton, the Memphremagog MRC and the provincial government to “protect our built heritage, in particular cited monuments like Holy Trinity Anglican Church in South Bolton (and its adjoining cemetery). In mid July the town made a purchase offer (for $1) which the Anglican Diocese accepted in principal. “Once all the papers are signed we’ll take a good look at the possibilities,” Westland Eby said, adding that the building requires substantial repair work. See full story in the Monday, July 22 edition of The Record.
East Bolton makes purchase offer on Holy Trinity Church
By Matthew McCully