By Matthew McCully – “I believe this is a system worth fighting for,” said Russell Copeman, Executive Director of the Quebec English School Boards Association (QESBA), during a recent visit to the Eastern Townships School Board (ETSB). Copeman had been invited to the board for a special meeting to share a speech he had delivered recently at the QESBA annual spring conference. ETSB Chairman Michael Murray, who attended the conference, thought it would be beneficial for the rest of the board members to hear Copeman’s thoughts on the CAQ’s stated intention to abolish school boards. “Everything points to legislation being tabled in the fall,” Copeman said.
According to Copeman, the timing for the school board reform legislation is to complete the consultation process and have the bill adopted by December before the next school board election cycle begins in January. See full story in the Tuesday, June 11 edition of The Record.