Elder Abuse is everyone’s issue

By Gordon Lambie
Elder Abuse is everyone’s issue

Organizations focused on serving senior citizens came together at the Sercovie building on Murray Street in Sherbrooke to launch the 5th annual purple ribbon campaign on Wednesday morning. Organized by the Eastern Townships round table group on elder abuse (Concertation contre la maltraitance des personnes aînées), the event focused on the launch of the newest edition of the Charter for the wellbeing of seniors in the Estrie region, a document recommending actions to be taken by organizations to support the elderly in the community.

“It is a source of inspiration on how to work with seniors well,” said Paul Martel, Regional Coordinator to Counter Elder Abuse. “The concept was developed in France, but now in North America we’re more interested in the development of wellbeing in seniors.”

Read the full article in Thursday’s Record.

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