ETSB looking to branch out vocational services with other Estrie boards

ETSB looking to branch out vocational services with other Estrie boards

During Tuesday evening’s Eastern Townships School Board (ETSB) council of commissioners’ meeting, the board adopted a resolution to study the possibility of joining forces with neighbouring French boards to better meet the vocational training needs of businesses in the region. According to ETSB Chairman Mike Murray, the plan is a next step to the recently launched Concomitance (2-4-U) project, which is a collaboration among the ETSB, Des Sommets, Hauts-Cantons and Région-de-Sherbrooke school boards. Students enrolled in Concomitance have the opportunity to pursue a vocational training program offered at any of the four school boards in addition to core studies at their home school, eventually graduating with a high school diploma as well as a vocational training certificate. See full story in the Thursday, April 26th edition of The Record.

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