With the upcoming federal elections already taking space in the public sphere, The Record spoke with Dr. Jerald Sabin, associate professor at Bishop’s University, who specializes in Canadian politics and identity politics to learn more about what issues will be at play on October 21 for Canadians. Originally from Southwestern Ontario, Sabin obtained his undergraduate and Masters’ degrees at Carleton University.
“Being in Ottawa is really the best way to go learn about politics,” he said, explaining that he completed his phD at the University of Toronto in Canadian Politics. According to the professor, there has been a significant shift in the way that Canadians vote over time. “Historically, it was very rare for a majority government to not win a second term. Political dynamics are shifting rapidly today. Most recently, we observed Philippe Couillard’s Liberal government be outed after a single term in Quebec,” he mentioned. See full story in the Friday, Sept. 20 edition of The Record.
Federal elections: the science behind voting
By Emilie Hackett, Special to the Record