Earlier this month, Terry Loucks of Fitch Bay became one of a growing number of people across Canada to commit his land to the National Healing Forest Initiative, a grassroots movement focused on dedicating green space throughout the country to healing and reconciliation with indigenous peoples. Loucks, 70, said that the decision came after long reflection over how best to see his property serve the world after he dies. “I have no children and I have been looking for many years into how to leave this legacy,” the Fitch Bay resident said, explaining that he had already begun a process with groups like the Appalachian corridor or Memphremagog Conservation when he heard about the National Healing Forest project. “Going through these big organizations is very complicated and lengthy,” he added, “but in this case the only requirement, really, is to have a sign with their website and logo and a blurb about residential schools.” See full story in the Monday, October 29 edition of The Record.
Fitch Bay home to a new National Healing Forest
By Gordon Lambie