Record Staff – Sherbrooke’s chapter of Operation Nez Rouge will officially launch its 34th public safety campaign Friday, November 30, with its traditional “Operation Flashing Lights” activity on the streets of Sherbrooke. From 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. this inaugural activity will take the form of a long procession of vehicles equipped with flashing lights that will cruise through the streets of Sherbrooke. Several organizations from the region will take part. The procession will leave the Galaxy Cinema parking lot on Bertrand-Fabi Blvd in Rock Forest and continue on Bourque Blvd, along King St. West to Belvédère, to turn right on Galt West and Denault and Marie-Léonie streets, to finally take Université Blvd to the main entrance and end in front of the outdoor stadium at the Universite de Sherbrooke. See full story in the Friday, Nov. 30 edition of The Record.