Forestry leader calls new water-protection rules “abusive”

Forestry leader calls new water-protection rules “abusive”

Farm News Review

By Scott Stevenson


The conversation over water pollution and farming, addressed in this column two weeks ago, got intense. The farm and forest lobbies are trying to fight back against new rules to better protect our waterways.

“The new legislation requires much more complete and sustained communications as well as major changes for which businesses and people involved are not sufficiently prepared,” wrote Martin Caron, president of the Union des Producteurs Agricoles (UPA), in his May 11 editorial in the Terre de Chez Nous farm weekly.

“With the goal of conservation, the State is multiplying its regulations targeting our territory,” wrote Pierre-Maurice Gagnon, president of the Fédération des Producteurs Forestiers du Québec in the same news weekly. “Certain regulations, which are sometimes abusive, come close to expropriation and limit our ability to work.”

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