Amy Tector, an author and archivist at Library and Archives Canada in Ottawa, intends to blend the history of the Megantic Outlaw into a new murder-mystery novel based in the modern day.
“The Megantic Outlaw is secondary to the contemporary murder-mystery that I’m writing, but it’s a fun story and I like the connection to the Townships, so I’m going to weave it in. Most of what I write, most of my work, always incorporates […] an element of history to it,” she said.
Although Tector has lived in Ottawa for the majority of her adult life, she grew up in Cowansville, consuming books at the local library and attending Massey-Vanier High School. She also absorbed her father’s knowledge of the history of the Eastern Townships.
According to Tector, her father, who was from Asbestos, would often talk about the Megantic Outlaw, or Donald Morrison. Her family even had a copy of Bernard Epps’ book, The Outlaw of Megantic, which explains the events that led to one of Canada’s longest manhunts.
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