A private company or an individual is using a website with an address similar to that of the CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS. The alleged fraudsters use the contact information, name and logo of the local health authority to sell various equipment, including personal protective equipment, related to COVID-19.
The CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS sent out a statement yesterday warning the public not to trust the site and the associated Facebook page called Masques du Québec, adding they do not endorse the products offered by the company and urge the public to be cautious.
“Although they use the image and contact information of the establishment, we are in no way linked to these platforms. We are therefore unable to guarantee whether the merchandise will be received, nor the quality of the merchandise,” explained Annie-Andrée Émond, spokesperson for the CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS.
Complaints have been filed with the website domain host, the transactional service provider and the Sherbrooke police.
Fraud in the name of local health authority
Record Staff