Lillian Madelyn Rider, known as Lu to many in the Lennoxville community, died late last month in her 80th year. A longtime volunteer with both the Lennoxville Library and the Lennoxville-Ascot Historical and Museum Society (LAHMS), Rider is being remembered by friends and colleagues as a dedicated, kind, and fiercely independent person.
“She was so dedicated.”
“I’ve never seen someone so dedicated,” said Nancy Robert, Director of the Uplands Cultural & Heritage Centre, noting that Rider was already highly involved with LAHMS when she started in her role. “She would volunteer five days a week.” “She was a good friend,” Robert said, remembering Rider as a hardworking woman who enjoyed golf and living in the Townships. “She had a wonderful dry sense of humour.” Richard Evans, current President of LAHMS, said that one of Rider’s defining characteristics was her attention to detail. See full story in the Friday, Nov. 16 edition of The Record.