“From Then to Now” photo exhibition was picture perfect in Potton

“From Then to Now” photo exhibition was picture perfect in Potton

The Scoop By,
Mable Hastings


On Friday, Jan. 20 and Saturday, Jan. 21, the history and photo project coordinated by Danielle Poitras and Monique Gilbert was held at the “Feather in the Wind” senior centre of the Missisquoi North Volunteer Centre (CABMN) in Potton.

With the support of volunteers and CABMN senior services staff and with financial contributions from various sources including the Municipality of Potton, Government and local businesses/organizations, this project produced both a professional exhibition and a beautiful book in French and English containing the photos and write-ups on the seniors who participated in the project.

The opening day of the exhibition was attended by over 100 invited guests including many of those who participated in the project and their families as well as guests who had contributed in some way.  The set-up of the room was both impeccable and inviting with a lovely array of refreshments served including delicious cheeses donated by La fromagerie Saint-Benoit-du-Lac in support of the exhibit and project.

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