After having been revived as a tradition last year, the Alexander Galt Christmas play opens tonight for a three night run of holiday fun. This year the student cast and crew will be presenting a production of Michael Wehrli’s play “A Christmas Chaos,” a comedy of errors set during a production of the Dickens classic “A Christmas Carol”
“It’s a play within a play” explained director Olivia Louise Grenier. “It’s the story of this production team that doesn’t really know how to put on a play and haven’t really done it before. They really greatly overestimate their ability to do this.”
According to an author’s note provided by Heuer Publishing, the play’s publishing company, the story is loosely based on the backstage antics of a real-world theatre company in Texas. For Grenier, however, the appeal was in the humerous twist on a classic tale.
“I originally wanted to do a Christmas carol, but it’s been done before,” the teacher said. “We have a group of students this year that is really comedic, they’re very unique, so I wanted to give them a show that was really their own.”
Read the full story in Thursday’s Record.